Pregnancy after miscarriage? 

It has been just over two months since my miscarriage and we are talking about trying to get pregnant again. At the end of this week, I will be ovulated (sorry for the TMI) and we are discussing whether or not to try this month. I had originally said that I wanted to start trying again this month, but now that it is here I am kinda nervous. Before the miscarriage my baby fever was at a roaring boil, and all I could think about was having one. I had babies on the brain. However, now that we have been trough the miscarriage, I feel gun-shy and a little afraid of babies. I am in need of some advice, since all of this is new to me. 

For those of you who have had miscarriages, how were you able to move on and try again? Was it difficult for you? 

33 thoughts on “Pregnancy after miscarriage? 

  1. Yes, it is hard to move on. You have a profound sense of loss and a fear that it will happen all over again. No one wants to expose themselves to more hurt. Only when YOU feel ready should you commit yourself again. That may take weeks, months or years. It is up to you and nobody else.
    One bit of advice I can offer is to lower your investment. By that I mean lower the stakes a little. Keep things on as low a key as you can. I know this can be hard, but I think it makes things a little easier.
    All the best.

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  2. You remain in my prayers. Will ask God to guide your time and decisions. I can only advise to take your time….meditate on the decision ….see if you feel more at peace as you do this. Blessings to you and thank you for sharing your journey!

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  3. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I know it’s tough as I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks with my second pregnancy. My doctor advised waiting 4 cycles after the bleeding from my D&C finished. I had the procedure in December and was pregnant again by end of the following May. This worked for me not just physically but it was enough time emotionally to start again. I’ve known women, however, that have tried again first or second cycle and everything went great! It’s whenever you’re ready! Prayers to you!


  4. I had a D&C and was told to wait several months for my body to heal before we thought about trying for another one. So the process of the medical staff advising that gave us time to mourn… then we tried again.

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  5. I had a d&c as well and we tried again about 4 months later. Pregnancy after miscarriage is definitely hard no matter how long you wait. I felt extremely anxious at the beginning and throughout. However, I did go on to have a healthy baby. One thing to keep in mind is that miscarriage is very common, but one miscarriage does not increase your chances of having another. Your odds of having a healthy baby next time around are just as good as they were before. No matter how long you wait, it won’t be easy. The fear will always be there. It’s really up to you to decide when you are ready to face those fears and if you could handle another loss should it happen. Prayers to you for guidance.

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  6. I haven’t experienced a miscarriage and we weren’t trying when I did get pregnant. But I have friends who have had them and speak openly about this topic. With any decision or experience, you have to do what your gut tells you… in fact in my mommy experience, gut instinct makes you a mommy!
    If you aren’t feeling ready to “try” then just enjoy this time with your husband and maybe you’ll just get pregnant. If you don’t then just keep enjoying the time with your husband. And when your body and mind are in sync, you might just get pregnant again and you’ll feel good about it.
    I mean, sex in general produces happy hormones… so that could help with your trepidation and anxiety… which I have dealt with.
    Your trepidation with becoming pregnant again could very well be a defense mechanism since you were so devastated by the miscarriage and don’t want to feel that disappointment again.
    Good luck! Whenever it does happen again, you’ll be a great mom and ready for the crazy experience!

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    • I think a lot of my struggle of trying again is having another miscarriage. You are right. It is scary to think about. So much is out of our control. The disappointment and grief is difficult. But I don’t want it to hold me back.


  7. Pray and do what you feel like God is telling you. Trust your intuition. Our best friends lost their first pregnancy but got pregnant again several months later. Their little girl is 5 months old today. 🙂 Thank you for being open and vulnerable with us. We love you! ❤

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  8. Yes. I didn’t try again for 5 years. That pregnancy also ended in miscarriage. But little did I know at the time it was because of issues with me. Have you discussed it with your doctor? A couple months should be good if you think you can handle it emotionally. My thoughts are with you.

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  9. I don’t think that nervousness and anxiety goes away. When you’re ready to try again will just depend on you and when you and your husband are ready. Keep in mind that it may take some time, both to be ready and to conceive again.
    Be prepared, though, when you do get pregnant again, that sense of fear will still be there. It will likely be there throughout your entire pregnancy. You’re in my thoughts and I am sorry for your loss. I haven’t had a miscarriage, though I did struggle with fertility for years before I had my twins. The anxiety and grief from infertility is similar, though I cannot fathom what you went through after your loss. That said, I had fears of loss for the entirety of my pregnancy.
    Stay strong, take care of yourself, much love to you and your family. ❤

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  10. Hello dearest one: I am an old woman, but remember the days of having babies. I have six children. I lost six. I lost twins while they were developing, the others through miscarriages not as developed. However, I was thrown in a deep depression, went through terrible anxiety off and on for years…As I look back, I see that I had no control over my emotions and was terrified of losing another one. Since I have six, I obviously was able to have more babies even though I miscarried many. The most important thing is to take care of yourself no matter what. I look back and see that each miscarriage was painful, literally and emotionally, but for some reason that I still don’t understand, the baby was probably not able to sustain life outside the womb. It’s sad, but there it is. You will be able to have another baby when the time is right. That sounds so cliche and I hate it but it’s true. I told my doc my fears and the doctors were very sympathetic and kind. Do not be afraid; just make sure that you wait enough time in between so that your body can readjust and heal before trying again. Your next post will probably be that you heard a heart beat!! Be well…

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  11. I think fear is gonna be something that will always try to raise its ugly head.Remember whenever we go through an unpleasant experience it leaves some wounds.However that does not mean we cannot go over the hump.

    I think keep yourself in the word of God.Meditate on God’s goodness.Focus on positive things.Cause at the end of the day,God is the one that keeps us.I wish you best,continue to nudge us so that we will always remember to pray for you.

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  12. I am so sorry for your loss- I’m not sure if anyone can advise someone who has had a miscarriage- I had one, then two beautiful daughters born just 21 months apart. they are adults now, however, I have never forgotten the miscarriage- I have friends who say the same thing. Here is what I know for sure in my own life- Sometimes it is good to listen to the whispers. Follow your instincts not your fears- but if you are jittery and anxious, you may need a bit more time. Prayers for you sweet girl! love your blog.

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  13. Depending on the reason for miscarriage, your body might not be ready yet. Your mental state is a different thing too. You will always be scared, I know I was, even though we didn’t try again for 3 years. We lost our baby girl at 19 weeks gestation and both me and my husband were a wreak during my pregnancy after. You know you’re ready, when you except your own fear. 🙂 Hope all goes well…

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  14. I got pregnant 1 month after a miscarriage! It was definitely difficult in the beginning because of the previous experience. But try not to let it affect your view on conceiving. The miscarriage will be something you will never forget but my suggestion would be that to try again when you’re ready again 🙂

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  15. I had two miscarriages back to back but kept going and now we are 14 weeks pregnant. Hang in thereand take each day at a time. You will never forget but when you get to see your baby moving around on screen it is the greatest feeling in the world. ❤ I have now been brave enough to start a blog about my current pregnancy for my baby to read in years to come, given that all goes well, of course. Good luck for your journey. xx

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