Bag of Bones!

Ok, I am about a fourth of the way finished with Bag of Bones, by Stephen King, and I am still loving it! I am so glad I decided to try one of King’s books, because now a whole new world of books has opened up to me! I never wanted to read a s{9615514C-FCEE-4A55-89BB-4AEEA07E66CC}Img100uspense novel before, because I am easily freaked out (hence the anxiety disorder). It is actually a cool experience to be reading and become physically scared! That is what I love so much about words! Just by stringing a few letters and phrases together you are able to create physical and emotional reactions! It just blows my mind every time! OH, how I love writing!

If there is ever a book genre that you haven’t checked out due to preconceived judgements, I suggest giving it a try. I had sworn off “scary” fictions, but I am thankful that I  branched out of my comfort zone and tried something new! It has been a fun experience!

8 thoughts on “Bag of Bones!

  1. Omg! I was at the bookstore today and bought my first King novel (Salem’s Lot) I haven’t started reading it yet but I’m expecting a serious scare factor from his writing. I may get Bag of Bones next if I make it through this one!

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  2. Bag of Bones was one of my favourite Stephen King reads, I couldnt put it down! After you have finished theres actually been a Bag of Bones film made (Pierce Brosnan was in it) so worth the watch to compare your imagination to the directors take on it!
    M x

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