Feeling off Balance

Over the past few days, I have felt very off kilter. My anxiety has been very high, and my motivation low. I am also finding it very difficult to just relax, because each time I try, I feel guilty. I feel I should be working on something for my classroom or checking assignments. When the guilt begins to intensify, I start to work on grading papers or writing IEPs. However, once I start in on those tasks, I normally do not finish until a few hours later, which continues to cause my anxiety to increase.Β I feel as if I am caught in an endless cycle this week, and am unable to get out of it.

I know I will eventually be able to break the cycle, and rediscover my joy and contentment. However, right now I am feeling defeated. I feel incredibly defeated by my continual battle with anxiety, and sometimes, I just wish I didn’t have it. I wish feeling at peace wasn’t difficult.

I know God will continue to be by my side as I continue to fight this war, so I am placing my trust in His hands. I will do my part, and not allow negative thoughts to overshadow my positive ones, and I will practice positive self-talk. I will not allow anxiety to control my life and direction in which it is heading. I am in control, and I choose the course!

Thank you for listening to my vent tonight. I know that there are others of you out there who have experienced the same struggles and can relate to my off week. Thank you for continually supporting me as I continually learn how to fight the battle against anxiety.

21 thoughts on “Feeling off Balance

  1. Hi I would recommend getting a negative ion band right away. It’s $25 to try something new. We have many clients that are now living normal happy lives because of wearing a Negative Ion band. Order one you will not be disappointed

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  2. I have severe anxiety as well and am in school. I know this guilt feeling. Please remember that you are not your marks, you are not your accomplishments nor your fails, you are not your highs nor lows. You are you. A beautiful soul that will be no matter what happens. Love yourself, its okay to take breaks to take care of you.

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  3. you have great strategies for coping. I am a teacher as well and the greatest gift you can give your students to to take care of their teacher. I think teachers could work 24/7 and still find things that need to be done. If I don’t get to something one evening I know it will still be there the next. In order for me to give my students my best I need to put down the marking and just watch TV.

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  4. I hate to say it but; That wasn’t much of a rant. Lol I do know how you feel though. For me it is a cycle that gets hard to change. 1. I don’t like what’s happening. 2. I want to change. 3. Pressure I put on myself to change makes it harder to change. Repeat as necessary. Ha! What a predicament! I sometimes use a trick on myself. I change i want to change to i don’t want to change. i Stay with that for 10-15 minutes and MEAN it! The trick is that a break in the chain will sometimes change the cycle. Make it a game of sorts. “I’m not going to change and can’t make me” that kind of thing. Best of luck to you, i hope it helps. Thanks for following me!

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  5. I was totally where you are until last week – it does pass and get better! You are one of the most positive and honest bloggers I’ve read – you’ll get through this, no apologies needed from you! ❀

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  6. I use a trip stone. Anxiety is a electrochemical event. Just like in a trip.I just pull out my stone, look, feel, and remember what it looked like and felt like. It helps me in overcoming with practice within 5 minutes. It works for me.. thought i’d share.

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